The original wiki borrowed from ideas that were already flowing around in our work and cast them as a hypertext editor. We dedicated this to emerging practices of object-oriented programming and found that naming pages and then using those names in sentences accelerated our collective understanding. Here we draw on pages where wiki authors reflect on this process.
Kent drew on the experiences of many when he chose which knobs to turn. And the knobs alone only set the course, many more made it work. Finally the technology, or at least the ideas motivating the technology, played an important role too. At risk of writing myself too firmly into XP's history, I begin with a summary of events. wiki
Behavior of a system that is not explicitly described by the behavior of the components of the system, and is therefore unexpected to a designer or observer. Very important in the study and design of Complex Systems, and an almost inevitable consequence of any MultiAgent System. wiki
Let's take this thing called Extreme Programming and play with it, push its limits. Here are several scenarios that take XP out of its element. How would we do XP in each of these circumstances? wiki
Without doubting the merits of Extreme Programming let me admit that I seldom come here the past year. I do miss the ever changing subjects of before. I could not make it to the Wiki BoF at Oopsla, but I regret I did not. wiki